redwood oak3
redwood oak3
master craftsman
bathroom before
bathroom after
serving area before
serving area after
Regrouting Tile

 Regrouting tile is the process of replacing lost grout in your already installed tile.

 Why regrout your tile? After years of wear, mopping, degreasing, sweeping, and grease, the grout of your tile erodes away and is replaced by dirt, grease, and other debris.

 Here is what the "grout" looks like after this happens.

 Pretty nasty right? All that grease dirt and old food builds up and makes it a lot harder to keep your floors clean because you are constantly just swishing around and re-moistening the stuff in the grout joints, not actually cleaning it up. This can add to the slipperiness of the floor and produce bad odors.


 When your floor is regouted, it returns the grout to it's original condition leaving no room for the grease and debris to fll up. You will find that mopping and degreasing are much more effective, your store will look better and be easier to keep clean.

tile regrout